Nomination Application Notice
The Nominations Committee iN accordance with Sections 47, 73, and 79 of the Bahamas Co-operative Credit Unions Act, 2015, hereby announce that applications can now be submitted for nomination at the 48th Annual General Meeting. Members in good standing are invited to apply for the following posts:
- Board Director (2-Seats)
- Supervisory Committee (1-Seat)
- Credit Committee (1-Seat)
- Nominations Committee (3-Seats)
Interested members can obtain a copy of the Nomination Application form in office or request a copy via email to nomapp@tswccul.org. Completed application forms can also be emailed to nomapp@tswccul.org.
For further information to the vacancies criteria, please send your enquires to jwhymns@tswccul.org
Deadline to submit completed application forms along with copies of the Certificates/Qualification, Employment history and Credit Union Training/Experience must be received on or before the close of business on Friday April 18, 2025 @ 5:00pm.
Members are also reminded that all resolutions for the Annual General Meeting's consideration must be submitted by Friday April 18, 2025.
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